

When you are an athlete preparing for an opportunity to play with the NFL, you embark on the most nail-biting encounter of your life. The NFL Combine is the most rigorous interview you have. 

The first understanding athletes in the program need is a process that every football player already understands. Success comes from simple things done exhaustively. 

Teaching and practicing different aspects of each test until they imprint the athleticism of each athlete is the point of the process. 

Here are a few tips to get ready for the NFL Combine.

Do a Physical Evaluation

You can adapt each athlete's program to match specific needs, thanks to physical examinations. Discovering muscle imbalances from training injuries through the specified upper body, lower body, and front and back mobility testing is crucial. 

This step identifies and corrects individual athletes' weak spots, performed by exceptional trainers, significantly improving results.

Do a Heavy Bench Press Test

A bench test is not an accurate measure of the player's abilities, but it is something they test for, so be sure to get it right. Increasing your benching abilities requires strength and precise techniques. 

They assess every athlete's repetition endurance and maximum power, determining actions necessary for improvement. Every athlete has room to grow, so do not let the opportunity slip away.

After the strenuous daily activities during preparation, having a post-workout routine is a great option to help with sore muscles.

Do the Combine Event Training

The Combine training event is an essential part of the process. Each event involves a unique set of abilities, addressing each skill separately. Athletes learn how to do each event efficiently during this section. 

However, practice makes perfect, so refining your mechanics improves your results. Each test has its strategy, and the Combine is not an exception. The ultimate goal is to make clients master test takers. 

All these weeks of training sets come with benefits. Athletes at the combine are better prepared, and this knowledge instills confidence for better peak performance.

Do a Vertical Jump

Believe it or not, your vertical jump is a key part of testing. It is believed that your vertical jump measures your explosiveness and your coordinated skill for rapid exchange. 

Remember that correct arm and foot placement, along with timing, are ideal ways to improve your jump. Also, athletes who learn specific stretches improve their jump height by one to two inches.

Do a Three-Cone Drill

If you are new to the combine, the old four-cone and box drill are no longer part of the training. While the three-cone agility drill has admirers, it is one of the most complicated drills. Keep in mind that execution is important for performance. 

Here you learn the optimal way to start, touch, finish, and change-of-direction techniques. You want to make sure you incorporate this drill into your training. If you do not, you are likely to get a poor score. 

Do Position Drills 

Every position requires its own set of drills. Therefore, you want to test each athlete to familiarize them with different functions. 

Having them complete these tasks educates them on what the NFL looks for and how to perfect other skills. This step enables you to go out and do your best. 

It’s extremely important to take care of your body after doing shock wave therapy and other rejuvenating exercises. 

Do Team Interviews

Your training does not end as you leave the arena. There are personal interviews held during the Combine weekend. These tests include film work, psychological tests and personal questions are part of your time there. 

However, it is important to remember they do thorough research before bringing you into the training process, meaning they probably already know your answers. 

It is best to educate yourself on ways to make a good impression, helping you stand out from the rest of the recruits.


As you can tell, the NFL Combine is an extensive process. Keep yourself in good shape, enabling you to give them your best effort. Remember that you need to try and have fun, but do not lose focus on why you are there.


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