That said, presents “The Best Basketball Shoe Commercials of the Past Decade.”
20. Duet To You (Nike)
Remembering the good old days of the early 2000’s when Darius Miles and Quentin Richardson were up coming youngsters in the league who flashed potential for the ever struggling Clippers. They tag teamed for that franchise and became best buds, christening the ‘head bump’ you can see some use as a throw back in pick up games. Neither quite panned out as had hoped (for one reason or another), but the two youngsters combining to dominate with the late Guru from Gang Starr spitting rhymes in the background makes for a quality 30 second spot, no matter how goofy it was in retrospect.
19. Italian (Nike)
Kobe had some nice commercials when he was coming up in the league for adidas and this is one of them. Basketball is a universal language and there is no language barrier for Bryant in Italy, where he grew up, learned the language and refined his game. Even overseas in an Italian gym, Kobe is still king of the court, and on that thought, may be very ironic if he actually ends up playing over there during the lockout.
18. AI (Reebok)
There was no player in the league hotter than Iverson in the early 2000’s when he was leading the NBA in scoring year and the 76ers to the Finals. He developed a rep as on the tougher guards in the league who could flat out dominate as a one man team and was ‘cool’ because of it. Jadakiss does a nice job putting some rhymes to Iverson’s street savvy game in the commercial.
17. Hear Us Coming (Under Armour)
It’s short and simple, yet efficient and effective. This came out shortly after Inception hit the scene and the commercial uses on of the main score’s from the movie to add dramatic effect. Under Armour is building a rep in the NBA and becoming a much bigger brand by the year, so they are coming. I like to say Kevin Love was the best high school player I’ve seen throughout anyone’s four years, but Brandon Jennings was the best high school player I ever saw through four games, and he is a good face for the up and coming brand.
16. Bored (adidas)
Who hasn’t been bored and just dreamed of playing ball in anyone possible, even if it was just with your surroundings? He’s not my favorite, but this commercial captures the enthusiasm, eagerness and enjoyment of Bryant in an everyday setting just itching to get back on the court. I’m sure we can all empathize, and if nothing else the commercial taught me how to throw the ball behind me head and through my legs (at 0:20 seconds) when I was growing up.
15. Blitzen Rap (Nike)
One of the more creative ads in recent memory during the Christmas season where Blitzen and the reindeer challenge Kobe, LeBron and Santa to a pick up game. Enjoyable mix of the puppetry, throwback rhymes from older rap songs and creative story line. A classic, humorous holiday basketball commercial that captures the Christmas basketball spirit more or less.
14. Fast Don’t Like (adidas)
D-Rose is by far one of the best athletes and fastest players in the league with his explosive ‘above the rim’ game. The concept of being filthy rich because you’re fast in the commercial is entertaining and Ken Jeong pulls it off just about as ludicrous and freaky as you can; “Freak like my lady pyramid” that is!
13. Brand New Day (Nike)
Once upon a time, Vince Carter was a beast in the league who posterized anyone who dare challenge him at the rim. This commercial captures the essence of basketball transcending everyday life and just carrying that passion over to a make believe perfect day. Very original rendering that shows off some of VC’s dance moves as well, assuming that’s actually him (probably not).
12. Chosen One (Nike)
One of LeBron’s first commercials after signing the monster deal with Nike, it was an instant classic featuring the late Bernie Mac. Emerging from St. Vincent-St. Mary high school as the ‘Chosen One,’ the expectations for LBJ were very high…and still not much has changed. Its an homage of sorts to the Blue’s Brothers film (3:50) with the ‘spirit of the game’ granting amazing powers and bball skills to the disciples of the game.
11. The Myth (adidas)
Sometimes people can skew and bend the truth when telling a story when it comes to the amazing, and this is a classic example of that. Attempting to retell the epic ‘13 points in 35 seconds’ that T-Mac pulled off against San Antonio, this commercial throws attempts to make light of it and throws the cliché book at it. Tracy used to have one of the hottest hands in the league when he was on, and I will never forgive myself for letting my friend convince me to change the channel minutes before this ‘mythical’ performance even when it looked like it was in the books.
10. The Second Coming (Nike)
A star studded cast featuring LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Steve Nash, Chris Paul, Amare Stoudemire, Paul Pierce, Shawn Marion, Tony Parker, Jermaine O’Neal, and Rasheed Wallace battling it out on the court in an airplane hanger. The second coming features an inspiring take on the some of the leagues best sporting ‘Air Forces’ on its 25th anniversary. Although Juelz Santana is one the weakest lyricists around, its an entertaining ad featuring a fitting song that captures the intensity and competitiveness of the best.
9. Chalk (Nike)
This commercial was huge a few years ago, and while I never got into it as much as everyone else did (mainly because chalk throwing was MJ and Kevin Garnett’s thing first) it’s a good ad. It transcended the court into the Cleveland community and basketball fans everywhere with LBJ’s enthusiasm for the game. Features cameos from LaMarcus Aldridge, Lil Wayne and Jaime Nared, an Oregon girl who got national attention and has serious game but was barred from playing with boys because she was too good.
8. Nightmare (Nike)
No doubt that Dwayne Wade is an absolute monster on the court, but this takes it to a whole other level and is original with it. This brings to life the ‘monstrification’ of Wade on the court and gives us a view of what his competitors see as he strikes fear in them with his game. Although I doubt any NBA player see’s him this way, it gets major creativity points.
7. Hyperize (Nike)
Who doesn’t enjoy bad throwback hip-hop videos? This one makes goo humor of the genre with Kevin Durant, Mo Williams, Andre Iguodala, and Rashard Lewis having fun laying down some lines and mocking the lifestyle in a fun commercial. Debatable whether or not Mo Williams was worth the first overall pick or Lewis is worth $118 million over 6 years, but this commercial is worth two and half minutes of your time if you’re a big NBA fan.
6. Dr. Funk (Nike)
Rucker Park is a legendary street ball venue right in the basketball Mecha of New York City. This commercial is a play of an epic street ball performance by Dr. Funk aka Vince Carter aka Vinsanity aka half-man, half-amazing taking over the game in a 1975 flashback. Vince certainly never did anything quite like this on the big stage on an NBA court, but he make a big leap that kept the 7’2” Knicks 15th overall 1999 pick out of the league.
5. Lessons (adidas)
When high schoolers were flooding the league before the age limit was instituted, T-Mac was a two-time league scoring leader and versatile ‘go to’ player. His game looked diverse yet effortless on the court and was holding an offensive clinic on a nightly basis in the league. He has slowed down considerably since then, but still remains my favorite NBA player because of his cool confidence, epic performances and off the court humanities.
4. 9.8 (adidas)
3. What Do I Do? (Nike)
Everyone knows this commercial, but clearly not everyone (especially in Cleveland) was a fan of it. It’s a brilliant spot that brings to life the ramifications, consequences and mind frame of LeBron’s decision on the basketball world. Hate it or love it, it was instant classic when it was released.
2. Let Your Game Speak (Nike)
Sometimes your game can speak louder than words ever could, and what kid who grew up in the 90’s didn’t dream of being Michael Jordan. This recreates all of Jordan’s finest on-court moments and quirks to a tee with younger kids and likely admirers of his game. I don’t know that any other one ad successfully captures the childhood imagination of growing up to be just like your favorite sports star.
1. Freestyle (Nike)
Originally written at SwishScout