
Following the Boston Celtics big 94-90 victory over the Miami Heat in Game 5 Tuesday night, a kid yelled "Good job, good effort!" at LeBron James and Dwyane Wade as they headed into the locker room.

Now the phrase has become a sensation...just in one night.

Now they have a shirt for it, which comes in a variety of colors. It also mocks the Heat's logo, which copies the "T" in it that follows by a flame. Pretty funny and clever.

It's up for purchase at Skreened for $22.99.

It's crazy what folks come up with these days.

Josh Dhani is the founder of FootBasket. He also contributes at Hoops Authority and Eight Points Nine Seconds. You can read more about him at his website. Follow him on Twitter @joshdhani.


Low price, available in multiple styles and colors!