
Unless your wife or girlfriend happens to be a sports fan like yourself, chances are the upcoming football season cause a few problems in your household. 

You want nothing more than to relax in your recliner with a cold brew and snacks while you root for your team. Yet she feels like sports are a distraction that limits the time you spend together. How do you diffuse the matter before it gets out of hand? Treat your lady. 

Spending as much time as you can with your girl now lets her know she’s a priority and can often result in her being more lenient when you go missing on Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays in the fall. 

Now there are plenty of ways to treat your lady but none quite as special as taking her on a nice getaway. Below, are some nice ideas.

Health or Spiritual Retreat

Your lady works hard on a regular basis. She keeps up the home, takes care of your needs, raises the kids, and still manages to bring home money to help with the finances. Chances are she’s stressed out and needs a break. So, why not treat her to a health or spiritual healing retreats

You two can travel to an exotic destination and be at one with nature. You learn meditation and healing methods to reduce stress, overcome challenges, and grow personally and spiritually. 

The two of you will learn to connect on a deeper level and she gets the rest and relaxation she needs. So, it’s a win-win.

Romantic Weekend for Two

When is the last time you romanced your girlfriend or spouse? With everything the two of you have going on in your lives, it’s probably been a while. It’s time to reignite that flame and put your relationship first. A romantic weekend for two is just the solution. 

Taking her to a tropical island or even a busy city with an itinerary of intimate activities can make all the difference. Spa treatments for two, candlelit dinners, walks on the beach, and even snuggle time while watching movies in your lavish hotel will put her in a better mood. 

Adventure Vacation

Looking to put some excitement back into your relationship? Then plan an adventure vacation for you and your lady. This is especially great for active women. You guys can go on a road trip, go camping, hiking, or participate in watersports. 

Pick a destination with lots of activities to do together and explore. As you try new things, embark on new territories, and reach your goals (like hiking to the top of a mountain or catching a fish), you build a bond that will far outlast football season. 

Girl’s Getaway

Now, this idea doesn’t involve you going with your lady but can still brighten up her spirits. During football season you spend a lot of time with your friends. 

Showing your girlfriend that one, it’s okay to spend time with friends and two, that it can be a lot of fun will open her up to giving you space to do what makes you happy. 

So, plan a trip for her and a best friend. Whether it’s a beach vacation, a trip to Las Vegas, or a yoga retreat with the girls, she’ll have a blast and won’t feel so bad when you’re having fun with the guys cheering on your team. 

Sports Trip

Here’s one you can appreciate—a sports trip. Sometimes women have a hard time understanding why guys get together to watch sports. While getting her to watch a game with you at home might be like pulling teeth, taking her to a live sporting event can give her a whole new outlook on it. 

So take her to your favorite team’s game. Allow her to indulge in everything from tailgating to watching the game in person. She may not come out of it loving sports as much as you do, but she’ll at least get to experience the thrill of it all for you and others. 

September will be here before you know it. If you want the pleasure of enjoying your sports without upsetting your wife or girlfriend, your best bet is to focus your attention on her needs and the relationship. 

Planning a getaway such as those described above resolves it all. She gets to spend quality time with you (or her friends) and, with any luck, this will open her eyes to allowing you to enjoy yourself throughout the season. 


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