
Twitter has really come up as a popular site since it first started it out. Now it's just the place for athletes to know whether they're on new teams or not. Shane Battier found it out that way, saying he found it he was traded to the Memphis Grizzlies through Twitter.

From the Sports Radio Interviews: 
"I actually found out through Twitter feeds online. Honestly, I was on one of the websites and just kept refreshing. ... As of 1:45 nothing had happened and I was like, ‘All right, I'm going to finish the year in Houston.' I hit refresh at 1:55 and it said, ‘Sources say Battier to Memphis.' I was like, ‘I better start packing.'"
Boy. I wonder how he felt. I mean, it might have felt disheartening at least finding out you're traded, but even worse: it's from Twitter. But man, Twitter is coming up.

Twitter is now the press.

Way to go.


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