
Haters gonna hate right? That principle can most assuredly be applied to the Miami Heat after everything that took place this summer. Like most sports & hoops fans that fall into the haters category most of us can agree it’s more to do with the way these goof balls have carried themselves; having nothing to do with the actual talent level of the individuals.

So everytime they have failed not WINNING its brought great pleasure to us. For those of you that have followed my website & rants are fully aware of the amount of posts I have put up in regards to this Heat basketball team. And if you aren’t just type in Bosh & Heat in the search bar to check out the multiple posts.

Today we are fortunate enough to be presented with some fantastic material that I found at Robert Littal’s website www.blacksportsonline.com from a youtube user Imadoggydogg who put together a highlight reel compilation of all their choke jobs over the course of this season. Get your popcorn ready and enjoy reliving the Heat choking.

And oh yeah BTW it was great to find out about Stoudamire, Anthony & the Knicks laughing at them.

As DWade would say “the world is a better place now that the Miami Heat are losing.”

-Chad Margulius


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