
A player who isn't playing in a game usually doesn't get any blame or make any news. Pittsburgh Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey manged to pull it off though. Pouncey didn't play in the Steelers' wild card playoff loss to the Denver Broncos Sunday, but managed to come under scrutiny for his remarks on Twitter.

Some fans took umbrage with Pouncey for promoting a rap song after the loss. Pouncey fired back with some unsavory tweets.

@stevegiglio season is over time 2 move on and get better!! What do u do for a living besides bothering me right now and reading my TL #lame

@scottalanlong dude u have 6 followers no one cares what u have to say!! Can u not see that!!

@stevegiglio I will idiot!! You enjoy your lame life!!

@Rick_D00Va why would I be mad I’m rich play for the steelers and have a awesome life!! Are u mad loser  

Of course there was an apology issued after that bit of madness.


I like to take the time to apologize for my action. its just hard to end like that an i couldn’t help my team fight. 

Pouncey should've thought about what he was doing before engaging in a war of words. His team lost so he shouldnt've been trying to promote records in the aftermath. Bad choice. You have the offseason for that.
Secondly, your dealing with Steeler fans. No disrespect to them, but you're going to lose that argument every time out. Their diehard, hardcore fans who have a deep love for the Steelers, so they felt that he was putting himself above the team.
Written by Chris Edwards, Reporter (Archive/RSS)

I love to talk sports.Just a fan that blogs about what goes on in the world of sports. Everyone feel free to discuss their take on what's going on.
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