
With Jeremy Lin most likely out for the season unless if he can heal just in enough time to play in the playoffs (if his team makes it), many are already speculating if the point guard will be re-signed this off-season by the New York Knicks.

Marc Stein cleared the air on today's Daily Dime:
Yet pretty much every team I've asked is convinced that Lin is a lock to be re-signed by the Knicks. Looks like the only way it wouldn't happen is if Steve Nash tells the Knicks he's willing to join them for the mid-level exception, which New York has to save for Lin if it wants to take advantage of the Gilbert Arenas rule that prevents rival teams from offering more than the mid-level exception to restricted free agents with fewer than three seasons of service time.

The Knicks simply don't have the means to sign both Lin and Nash in the offseason. But one source close to the situation told ESPN.com that the Knicks are routinely besieged with offers (lucrative offers, naturally) from potential sponsors that want to be involved with Lin. Package those opportunities with Lin's size, athleticism and untapped potential -- along with an unmistakable fearlessness in the big moment that resonates as much as anything he showed us in those 57 days -- and the widespread pessimism about signing him away from the Knicks is understandable.

"They won't let him leave," said the aforementioned source.

There you have it, folks. Lin will stay a Knick.

No need to worry for the Big Apple as they still have Linsanity.


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