
After only just 11 days in jail, Floyd Mayweather is now seeking release, according to the Associated Press.

The report says that it could end Mayweather from ever playing boxing again. Mayweather filed for an emergency motion on Monday in Las Vegas so that he can serve his three-month jail sentence on house arrest instead.

According to Mayweather's layer Richard Wright, he says that the Pretty Boy's health is "deteriorating" from being in a jail cell for 23 hours a day. He is also restricted from working out. The motion also says that the conditions could do "irreversible damage" to his physique.

Mayweather served his jail sentence on June 1 for beating his ex-girlfriend in front of his two children.

I mean, honestly, this is all just kind of weird. It's seriously only been 11 days. I'm pretty sure this will not ruin his boxing career for being in jail for 90 days. I mean, he is friends with 50 Cent, right? The dude served prison time for like six months and did fine after that.

Come on, Floyd.

However, judging by how all this goes, I have a feeling Mayweather will probably get his way and just serve house arrest. He is a big-time celebrity anyways, after all.

Josh Dhani is the founder of FootBasket. You can read more about him at his website. Follow him on Twitter @joshdhani.


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