
By Josh Dhani

Don Ramos, an 80-year-old weightlifter, was busted for steroids, according to several reports.

The US Anti-Doping Agency, the team that was able to catch Lance Armstrong on his doping, granted Ramos a two-year suspension.

Ramos was planning to set a world record for his age group at the Pan American Masters Weightlifting Championships, which takes place in June; instead, the USADA found out his use of steroids.

With the suspension, Ramos won't be able to compete again until July 2015.

The funny thing about this, however, is that this isn't the first time people as old as Ramos have been getting caught for doping. In 2011, the USADA found nine people doping, with four combined that are well into their 50s and 60s.

What amazes me is that an 80-year-old is competing as a professional weightlifter. At the same time, it's also amazing seeing that an 80-year-old is taking steroids, too.

Smarten up, Don. 


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