The news lately about Richie Incognito has not been good.
It looks like his NFL career is now on thin ice
after being suspended by the Miami Dolphins, who will not allow him to play for their franchise any longer. It doesn't help his character either when there's blatant evidence of the history of his racism, including just earlier this year
in a bar rage when he said the n-word.
For today's edition of Transformation Tuesday, since Incognito has been a hot topic in the sports world this week, we highlight the soon-to-be ex-Dolphins guard from when he was young to what he is now.
Richie as a kid. He was bullied a lot and teased for his weight, which is likely one of the many reasons why he inflicts this act on others. |
Richie when on the Nebraska Cornhuskers in college. |
Richie when he played for the St. Louis Rams. |
Richie with the Buffalo Bills. |
Richie, this year, with the Miami Dolphins. |
And just for the hell of it, Richie with Anziz Ansari. |