
Andre Reed July 2014

A lot of Buffalo Bills fans aren't a fan of the idea of Jon Bon Jovi buying their team, and the team's former star wide receiver Andre Reed is one of them.

Reed is so disinterested in the idea that he dropped some expletives about Bon Jovi.

"Man, fuck Bon Jovi!" Reed said. "You might as well just take this city, throw it in the river, and let it go down Niagara Falls."

There's been talks that Bon Jovi would move the team, particularly to Canada in Toronto. The Bills have played there before. However, Reed does not like the idea of Buffalo being there.

Reed, though, did say he likes the city.

"Now, I ain't gonna lie to you," Reed said. "One year I went up to Toronto, and man, I had a good-ass time up there."

"Off the record," Sabuda said.

"Off the record—I had a great time," Reed said. When I asked if he would continue being a part of the franchise as he had in Buffalo, he paused, then admitted that his allegiance to the city wasn't ironclad: "If they paid me."


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