
USA Soccer

The United States Men’s Soccer Team is firing on all cylinders. Head coach Jurgen Klinsmann has to like what he sees heading into the CONCACAF Gold Cup next month.

Even without Landon Donovan, the team has had major wins over Holland and Germany — thanks to late minute heroics by Bobby Wood. The USMNT is ready to make a major statement and turn up some big results.

All the signs are promising for this upstart group of Americans, and the past two games are indications of how far the team has come. Fans deciding whether or not to back the team with free bets should be encouraged by the positive results.

The squad defeated Holland by a score of 4-3 and defeated Germany by a score of 2-1. While both games go in the books as victories, the outcomes were in doubt until very near the end of regulation time.

In Holland, Woods waited until the 90th minute to produce his first ever international goal to give the United States a victory, but in Germany Woods produced the game winner in the 87th minute.

This victory represents the first time the United States Men have ever won a match in Germany, which should be a good sign for anyone looking to utilise free betting services.

Another positive sign for fans choosing to make free bets on Team USA is that Woods is not the only player hitting great form right now. Captain Michael Bradley is making great decisions and passes from midfield, both of which have spurred goal scoring opportunities.

In addition, goalkeeper Brad Guzan has played extremely well, which is a good sign for fans worried about the departure of longtime keeper and World Cup star Tim Howard.

With the entire team playing well on attack and working together on defence, the Americans are set to be a force to be reckoned with as the first big tournament of the year arrives.

Currently the United States is ranked 27th in the world by FIFA, and while other countries in the CONCACAF Gold Cup will arrive at the tournament with higher rankings, the win over top-ranked Germany will make the competition a bit concerned about drawing the Americans during the event.

Team USA has been threatening to develop into a major player on the global soccer stage for a few years, and a great showing at the Gold Cup will go a long in affirming what many fans and enthusiasts have believed for a few years: that the United States means business.

Even though Landon Donovan didn't make the cut for the 2014 Brazil World Cup, his absence along with Tim Howard are creating concerns about the squad as it is apparent that they will be missed.

However, Klinsmann has proven to be a calming presence calling on the services of players to operate his system flawlessly. The victory over Holland was stellar, and the victory over Germany was superb.

The late goals scored by an upstart player looking to make an impact are great examples of the creativity and efficiency of the United States Men. A few more matches like this and the free betting systems will quickly start to turn in the favor of Team USA.

In the end, all the pieces are in place for the Americans to make quite a splash in this summer’s tournament. While all of CONCACAF has likely noted the result, there are quite a few tests lined up to test the resolve of Klinsmann and the United States.

If the past few games are any example, and soccer is a game of streaks, the Americans are ready. That summation should be enough to put the world on edge as major tournaments and friendlies are on the horizon.


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