

Playing sports is a great way to stay active and create new friendships. Maintaining your energy levels is paramount whether you're playing just for fun or want to get in peak performance shape. 

Keeping your energy levels optimized will allow you to perform well both on the field and off. Read on for five tips on staying energized throughout the season. 


It seems counterintuitive that moving more would produce more energy. There's something to the saying that "an object in motion stays in motion." 

The truth is that getting your heartbeat up is an excellent way to increase dopamine levels and act as a metabolism support. Moving more ensures you'll get a better night's sleep and allows your body to circulate oxygen more efficiently. 

You don't have to work out as though you're training for a triathlon to enjoy the benefits of exercise. Simply going on a brisk walk three times per week is sufficient. 


Now that you know the importance of exercise let's dive into the value of rest. One of the easiest ways to burn out and deplete your energy is to over-train. Just as your cells need the oxygen and energy to produce more power, they need recovery time to rebuild. 

Finding balance is not just about the number of hours you're getting in at the gym, though. Paying attention to your home and work-life balance is crucial in maintaining exercise/rest balance energy reserves. 

Take a look at your to-do list and prioritize the things that are most important to you. Focusing on the things you value will feel less like work and provide you with the mental space to complete the tasks that don't feel as important but are non-negotiables.


A diet high in sugar and other simple carbs can lead to the never ending cycle of sugar highs followed an hour or two later by the inevitable sugar crashes. 

A diet high in protein, green leafy vegetables, and complex carbs will properly utilize your energy reserves. The rate at which your body absorbs carbohydrates determines how a particular food will affect your energy. 

This rate of absorption is called the glycemic index. Eating foods with a low glycemic index will keep energy highs and crashes to a minimum. Having a consistent energy flow will support your ability to participate in the sports you love. 


Proper sleep hygiene goes a long way when optimizing energy. It is your body's chance to do the housecleaning necessary to function efficiently during the day. 

While you are getting some shut-eye, your brain is working hard, ridding itself of toxins. Insufficient sleep has been correlated with increased calorie intake during the day, causing an unbalanced ratio between energy intake and output. 

This increase in calorie intake can make one feel sluggish and unable to participate in the activities they usually enjoy. 


Feeling stressed out is a significant source of energy consumption in your body. Increased stress levels over a long period raise the amount of cortisol in your blood. Individuals with high cortisol levels often report feeling fatigued. 

Participating in activities that calm and comfort you can have a profound impact on your energy levels. Things like meditation, yoga, or simply talking to a friend about what is going on can help reduce the amount of stress. 

If you're feeling stressed about work or home life, you may feel you don't have the time to partake in your usual sports routine, but being accountable to that practice can go a long way in reducing stress and staying energized. 


Staying energized to participate in the sports you love has a lot to do with how you care for your mind and body. 

If you only focus on your performance on the field, other areas of your life may suffer, leading to quicker burnout and inability to participate fully. 

The time you take off the field to care for yourself will go a long way in improving your energy and performance on the field. 


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