
A sore back can quickly slow or stop your sports performance. Unfortunately, it is an incredibly common condition among athletes. Luckily, you don't have to suffer in pain. 

Try using one of these soothing strategies to alleviate back pain next time ours acts up. 

Get a Good Night's Sleep

There is a lot to be said for a good night's sleep, and tossing and turning on a lumpy old mattress is not going to help you discover the benefits. 

Do some research into the best mattress for back pain and find one that fits your most common sleep position. While it is easy to dismiss eight hours of sleep a night as a waste of time, there is actually a wide range of activities going on inside your resting body. 

For starters, your muscles repair during deep sleep. While this will primarily happen in the first half of the night, you will continue to reap the benefits as you slumber away. 

Your mind is also storing information that it took in during the day, so you may find that better sleep also leads to better performance on the field. 

Practice a Self-Myofascial Release

Myofascial release helps break up knots and adhesions in the soft tissue. This can be especially helpful in areas like the back, glutes, and hamstrings. 

One of the most common techniques in use today is using a foam roller. There are a host of exercises you can do, and many have basic tutorials available online. 

A few other popular choices include massage sticks and acupressure mats. Keep in mind that, if you have a back injury, you can do more harm than good with manipulation. 

It is always a good idea to talk with your doctor or a physical therapist before adding any exercises after a back injury. 

Schedule a Massage

Massage therapists can use a variety of techniques to ease sore muscles and stiff joints. Muscle soreness is a common part of exercise and recovery—sore muscles after working out are generally caused by DOMs. Massage can help reduce muscle tightness caused by DOMS. It is a good idea to talk with the office staff before your appointment. 

Ask questions about different techniques used, specialty training, and if there are any add-ons you can include to make the most of your experience. 

If you have any concerns, now is also a good time to bring them up. Just be sure to also share them directly with your therapist at your appointment, too.  

Since your sport is a primary concern, you may want to look for a therapist that specializes in sports massage. 

However, keep in mind that this will usually involve deep tissue massage, and it may aggravate a tender back at first. You must communicate any discomfort or pain to your therapist as he works to avoid problems. 

Make Yoga a Daily Habit

Good habits take time to form, but this one is definitely worth the effort. Luckily, it is an enjoyable one, so at least the process will feel good. Do a short yoga sequence in the morning when you wake up. 

Adding another right before bed might help you relax and stay limber. Look for poses that specifically target the back and hips. Using yin or restorative yoga to start can be a great way to soothe irritated muscles. 

As you get stronger and the pain eases, you might want to add some toning and strengthening poses to minimize the risks of injury. 

Soak In a Warm Bath

The RICE method is often recommended for an injury, but that can actually cause more harm in some back injuries. Instead, consider spending some time soaking in a hot bath instead. 

It helps ease tension and relaxes muscles, resulting in fewer spasms and less pain. Remember that you want the bath between warm and hot, but not so hot that you turn pink as soon as you step in. 


There are many ways to ease back pain naturally. Start with a good foundation by getting a good night's sleep. Use gentle exercise and soft tissue manipulation to ease tension and reduce existing pain.


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