
"When a father gives to his son,

They both laugh.

When a son gives to his father,

They both cry."

As you can see in the picture above, that is what I imagine when I am with my father on a special day. And that is Father's Day.

So here I am with my dad, at a wonderful golf course. But as of right now, that is a fantasy. At this very moment, I am sitting right by father, watching the U.S. Open. We both get excited to watch this as we see how every golfer is performing.

Phil Mickelson is doing pretty good. Tiger Woods? Not so much, but he is getting better by every hole. But the person on top of the world, is Rickey Barnes. Dad and I, we both want Tiger to win, but to face the truth, he probably might not.

My dad asks me if we should go golfing today. I really don't know what to say. I just woke up at 12:30 and I am completely wiped out, probably feeling like this guy, but did nothing of what he did.

All I want to do is watch a movie with the family for my dad. I suggested this movie just because it is in 3-D.

But ever since witnessing the U.S. Open, I was just in the mood of participating. So we did. And that golf course in the hyperlink listed above, yes, of course we were going to that one.

I had my decent set of clubs with different brands including Titan, Taylor-Made, and Cleveland as my father just had Callaway and Taylor-Made. We got out Burner drivers ready.

I just start pulling my driver back slowly, and go very fast as I come down. And I did just that. Easy 190 yards. Now I am just a kid, so really, I am not that good of a hitter but I think 190 is pretty decent. My dad? 240.

Golfing was, of course, my dad's very favorite sport.

Now, I think many of you remember my tribute story to my father of what sports and many other tasks he went through in his life, but this one felt much better.

So to back where we were.

Golf. It just sooths our minds, especially for me because I am playing with my dad. I didn't get a much of a good score on the first hole, finished with six. I pretty much averaged a six on every hole.

My dad? Probably a four or five.

But I would have gotten way more than six if it weren't for those cheap mulligans.

So that was the first hole, fast forward towards the end. Driver, slow back, fast down. That just kept ringing in my head as my dad just kept telling me to do this. I did it and it was an easy 210 yards.

I finished the hole with a five and my dad got a seven. The first time I ever beaten him on a hole. Well I have before but only like four times.

So the scores were done. I got a horrible 102. But hey, it was better than my 109 last time. My dad got a 92. He has always been trying to break 90. He wants to get an 89 so badly.

I told him he will get it someday. Someday he will get it. He was on pace for today. He was doing excellent. It felt like I was viewing Tiger play himself.

I never really wanted to do sports on Father's Day, though. It just didn't feel right. But I got to tell you, it did. It actually just did. It was just a wonderful day to play.

But it didn't matter to me if I played golf or any other sport with my dad that day. It didn't matter how far I could drive. It didn't matter if I beat my dad on the last hole. It didn't even matter one single bit of what the score was.

Then what did matter?

All that is mattered was that I was with my dad. A man who has been with me all my life, caring for me every second. And I always payed back for all he has done.

And that is what Father's Day is pretty much all about.

"Any man can be a father

but it takes someone

special to be

a dad."

—Anne Geddes

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