
You know when you see a new golfer in a PGA Tournament, he probably wouldn't start as well? This is what Tiger Woods acted like. This is the realest and probably worse we have ever seen him play in the game of golf. He seems like a man trapped in a shadow. Shadow of horror and fear. Shadow of failure. Shadow of a loser.

This was Woods as his worst. I just can't possibly imagine him like this. As my phone buzzed, I knew there had to be a text message or something. As I took out my Apple iPhone, I looked at a message from ESPN. It read something like, "Tiger Woods is shooting 18-over at the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational." I was shocked.

Things have been crazy in this tournament. Woods has shot a miserable miserable 74, then a 72, followed by a 75, and finished with a 77 to be 18-over par. And this is Woods! If you watched him play lately, his appearance looks like a drunk, lonely little bastard. His putts were way off, even a golfer like me could make them, or actually even come close to them. In the words of ESPN.com columnist, Gene Wojciechowski, he played liked a 22-handicapper.

The Ryder Cup is coming up, and Woods should watch out. If I were Corey Pavin, I would not let Woods play. Things haven't been working well for him. It's been a long year. A very long year. A long-ass year. Woods needs some rest. He can't continue playing if he is playing like this. Sure, he was the number one player in the world. Sure, he used to be considered the best golfer in the world. But not anymore. Put him a bit back. Actually, a lot back. Way to the bottom.

It's pretty obvious.

This golfer, Tiger Woods, has hit rock bottom.


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