
The Indianapolis Colts are looking to improve their secondary, as their cornerbacks are weak.

They only have Jerraud Thomas and Kevin Thomas as their best corners, along with recently trading for Cassius Vaughn from the Denver Broncos.

With that, the Colts are looking to trade for Dallas Cowboys cornerback, Mike Jenkins. Jenkins was recently reported to be traded to the Oakland Raiders, however it was reported to be a hoax via a fake Jenkins Twitter account.

Jenkins hasn't been happy as of late with the Cowboys after they drafted Morris Claiborne and signed Brandon Carr.

The Colts have reportedly made several offers to the Cowboys for the disgruntled cornerback. Although Dallas has said they aren't trading him, they would consider it for the right price.

What do you think? Can Indianapolis land Jenkins? He would be an instant upgrade for Indy's weak secondary.

Josh Dhani is the founder of FootBasket. He also contributes at Hoops Authority and Eight Points Nine Seconds. You can read more about him at his website. Follow him on Twitter @joshdhani.


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