
Washington Nationals young star, Bryce Harper, made a rookie mistake in venting his anger at Cincinnati. On Friday night, Harper took out his frustration against the side of a tunnel with his bat leading to the visiting clubhouse.

The barrel of Harper's bat smacked off the wall and hit just above his left eye. The incident caused a gash that needed 10 stitches after a 7-3 win on Friday over the Reds.

"No problem, no headache," said Harper. "I feel great. Ready to go."

Harper went 0-4 with a strikeout. Ever since he has debuted for the Nationals on April 28, Harper has struggled to make the transition to getting hits in the majors. He is currently batting a .213 average with only three RBI's. Harper still has yet to hit a home run yet as well.

This should be embedded in Harper's mind now to not do this again. It was a rookie mistake by him to hit a bat in the tunnel. He's still got a long way to go before he even reaches his peak. This is just a small bump in the road for him.

Harper is only 19, so he will catch on soon enough.

Evan Sidery is a beat writer for FootBasket. He is a fan of the Colts and Pacers. You can see more about him by following him on Twitter. 


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