Cousins, of course, just signed a huge, four-year $62 million extension. The Kings star will earn $4.9 million this season before his huge deal kicks in during the 2014 season. At the end of his press conference to announce his new deal, Cousins made an announcement of his own when he revealed that he would be donating $1 million to local Sacramento charities.
As the press conference concluded, a relatively unsure Cousins looked around, hands wrapped around the microphone, clearly wanting to say something. Owner Vivek Ranadive was getting out of his seat, as was general manager Pete D’Alessandro. They could see Cousins wanting to speak, so they urged him on where he quietly announced that he was donating $1 million dollars to Sacramento families in need of financial assistance. There was no fan fare – no ‘praise me’ from Cousins. Had you turned away for a moment you wouldn’t have known it took place. It was literally nothing more than simple side note as he walked away over to awaiting media members.This won’t be the first time Cousins has donated money. Sources say the Kings young big man constantly gives to those in need. Kudos to DeMarcus “Boogie” Cousins.
Cousins wasn’t overly clear in how the funds would be distributed – he likely didn’t know as he simply stated that he would be donating to families in need along with Mayor Kevin Johnson‘s organization.
Here's the press conference:
This article was written by Glenn Erby. Follow him on Twitter here and read more of his work here.