
[caption id="attachment_33814" align="aligncenter" width="620"]Ray Rice July 2014 Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images[/caption]

The NFL has suspended Baltimore Ravens star running back Ray Rice for the first two games of this upcoming season for violating the league's personal conduct policy, according to ESPN.

Rice was suspended following an arrest during the offseason where he allegedly beat his fiancee at the time. The couple has now been married since the incident.

In addition, Rice was fined a regular season game check. However, he will be able to participate in training camp as well as in the preseason games with the Ravens.

"It is disappointing that I will not be with my teammates for the first two games of the season, but that's my fault," Rice said in a statement released by the Ravens. "As I said earlier, I failed in many ways. But, Janay and I have learned from this. We have become better as a couple and as parents. I am better because of everything we have experienced since that night. The counseling has helped tremendously.

"My goal is to earn back the trust of the people, especially the children, I let down because of this incident," Rice said. "I am a role model and I take that responsibility seriously. My actions going forward will show that."

In total, Rice has been fined nearly $530,000, the price of two games checks and a game check from the season prior.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell also made a statement in a letter:

The league is an entity that depends on integrity and in the confidence of the public, and we simply cannot tolerate conduct that endangers others or reflects negatively on our game. This is particularly true with respect to domestic violence and other forms of violence against women.

You will be expected to continue to take advantage of the counseling and other professional services you identified during our meeting. As you noted, this additional assistance has been of significant benefit to you and your wife, and it should remain a part of your practice as appropriate.

A lot of people have expressed concern in that Rice should've received a longer suspension considering that he committed a crime. It's much different than a player who takes PEDs, which would lead him to getting suspended four games.

It's an interesting debate, and this latest suspension further enhances it.


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