
Kevin Love October 2014

Cleveland Cavaliers star power forward Kevin Love was the latest athlete to contribute to Derek Jeter's new website, The Players Tribune.

Love revealed to Twitter about the piece he wrote for the site, which highlights his epic summer:


Love talked about how he never was able to say a proper goodbye to the Minnesota Timberwolves and its fans. In the article he wrote, he did. He also thanked the fans for not burning jersey like Cavaliers fan did when LeBron James left the team back in 2010.

Check out what Love wrote below:

Things were especially tough because for a month before the trade was finalized, Wiggins and I were caught in NBA purgatory. Is this happening, is this not happening? With everything up in the air, I felt like I couldn’t say a proper goodbye to Minnesota. And once the trade finally went through, everything happened quickly.

So I’d like to take a moment to thank the fans of Minnesota for six great years. I still remember sitting in Madison Square Garden when I was first drafted in 2008, thinking that if I could go anywhere it would be to the Timberwolves to work with one of my childhood idols, Kevin McHale. There are so many people in Minnesota who helped to shape my game and mold me into the player I am today. I’ll always be fond of going to Manny’s Steakhouse, and the support I got from the entire Minnesota community — even in tough times — is something I’ll remember forever. (Seriously, thanks for not burning my jersey, you guys.)


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