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Kevin Durant is probably easily aware of what people are saying is that he is suffering from "the Based God Curse." It is something created by rapper Lil B when Durant dissed him on Twitter a few years ago.

Lil B created this "curse" on Durant way back at that time, and it seems like Durant has had small bits of bad luck since then. First, he loses in the NBA Finals. Second, he hasn't gotten back there since then. Third, he's had several incidents on social media (examples here and here).

Finally, there's what just happened recently with Durant having a foot injury that will leave him out for the next six-to-eight weeks. It then led to several people trolling the reigning NBA MVP on Twitter about the Based God Curse.

Here's an example:


It looks like Durant had enough, and he replied with this:


Of course, he then received replies like this:



Like I said earlier, these next 1-2 months are gonna be rough for KD.


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