
Many people dream of learning how to surf. Doing so, however, is easier said than done. Learning how to surf will take a fair amount of practice and hard work in order to refine your skills and take on the ocean.

While it won’t be easy, the rush of surfing your first wave will make all that work worth it. To speed up the learning process, follow these helpful tips for learning how to surf.

Don’t Learn Alone

Trying to teach yourself how to surf without any guidance is a recipe for disaster. Not only will it likely take you far longer to perfect your surfing skills, but you could also injure yourself by making rooky mistakes.

As such, you should always enlist the help of an experienced surfer when trying to learn how to surf.

Start With a Bigger Board

While shortboards may be ideal for professional surfers, trying to learn how to surf on a shortboard is extremely challenging. If you’re new to surfing, a bigger board is typically the easiest option.

Larger boards not only have far more surface space, which makes it is easier to balance and stay on them, but they also float better.

Generally, adults who are interested in learning how to surf should choose a board that is between 8 feet 6 inches and 10 feet long. As your skills improve, you can steadily decrease your board’s size.

Practice On Land

Before diving into the deep end, consider practicing your surfing technique on land using a surf balance board. Rail-to-rail surf balance boards simulate the act of surfing in a safe and controlled environment.

As such, practicing on a balance board can help you get the hang of basic surfing maneuvers, strengthen your muscles, and improve your technique so you have a solid surfing foundation before tackling the waves.

Don’t Surf Outside Your Skill Level

As a beginner, you should stick to beaches that are known for having steady, small- to medium-sized waves that are easy to handle. While you may be eager to tackle bigger waves and try out more challenging maneuvers, doing so can be extremely dangerous.

Not only could you injure yourself, but you may make mistakes that put other surfers in the area at risk as well. To avoid injuring yourself and others, pace yourself. Don’t tackle larger waves until you’ve really mastered the smaller ones.


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