
There are several recognized styles of boxing. Some say there are four types, and some will say there are six types.

Whether you’re a swarmer or a southpaw, every athlete participating in the sport of boxing knows that diet and nutrition are as important to their routine as physical training.

Many boxers will time their diets so they meet weight restrictions yet have enough energy to provide the stamina needed to stay in the ring.

There are four essential areas a boxer needs to consider for their diet in order to stay fit, including what to eat and what to avoid, and how to build muscle and lose fat.

1. Carbohydrates

Whether a boxer participates in the sport for recreation, exercise or as a profession, boxing is an intense, physical, anaerobic workout, in which fat loss and the breaking down of muscle occur.

A boxer needs fat in order to replenish stores of glycogen lost during intense training sessions. Glycogen is stored in muscles, providing the energy needed during a boxing match or just training in the ring.

The best way to restore fat loss is by eating a diet rich in carbohydrates. Good carbs include leafy green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, spinach, and bok choy, to name a few.

Sweet potatoes are also a good source of carbs. Not only are these foods rich in carbs, but they also provide the body with necessary vitamins and minerals.

On days when training is less intense, a boxer should lower carb intake so as not to store fat. Balancing out carbohydrates should be an integral part of a boxer’s routine.

2. Lectins

Not all vegetables are created equal. Many vegetables incorporated into your daily diet likely contain high levels of lectins. Lectins are a group of proteins which when consumed in high amounts can lead to autoimmune diseases and gastrointestinal issues.

By following a plant paradox diet, you can avoid dangerous foods that are high in lectins. These foods include nightshade plants such as tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes.

Legumes and beans also contain high amounts of lectins, but pressure-cooking removes the toxic levels and makes them safe to eat.

3. Proteins

Protein helps rebuild muscles, and it is especially important in boxing where participants commonly experience muscle damage and fatigue.

A diet rich in protein will assist in the regeneration of new muscle cells and the development of muscle mass, as well as strengthen the immune system.

While meat might be the first food to come to mind when thinking of proteins, red meat should be avoided or at the very least, minimized. A diet consisting of red meat has been proven to raise blood cholesterol and increases the risk of heart disease.

Wild-caught fish is a lean and healthy meat, and it is also a good source of protein. Many plants are also high in protein, including those leafy greens, cauliflower, and sweet potatoes.

4. Water

Over half your body weight is made up of water. Water plays many roles in your body, and when you lose it through sweat it must be replaced.

Not only does water regulate your body temperature through sweating, it also flushes toxins from your system, transports oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and aids in digestion.

You should be drinking water all day. A helpful tip is to carry a gallon of water with you to the gym, and drink some before you start working out.

During training you’ll want to drink less to avoid cramps, but post workout and before you leave, make sure it’s empty. Water will give you more energy and help you lose weight.

By ensuring that these four essential areas are considered in your daily routine, you’ll be prepared for entering the ring and taking on your next match. A diet rich in good carbs, protein and water, but without lectins, will take you a long way toward your goals as a boxer.


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