

Poor sleep can not only leave athletes feeling tired each day, but it can also have a negative impact on their mood and overall health, too. 

While it might not always be possible to get great sleep, the upside is that there are many different things athletes can do to start improving their sleep quality so they perform optimally during their events. 

If you’re an athlete looking for some straightforward ways to start getting deeper sleep tonight, then here are some things that may help. 

Learn More About Sleep

If you truly want to get better sleep, and are regularly asking yourself questions like how much deep sleep should I get then you need to take some time to learn more about sleep in general. 

Some may understand that sleep is important, but they may not know the wide-ranging impact that it can have on their overall health.

Along with that, they may not understand the different ways that their sleep can be impacted by their habits. 

Taking some time to learn about sleep hormones and sleep cycles can be a good start to better understanding what impacts your sleep quality, and making the changes that you need to. 

Watch What You Eat

One thing that can have a big impact on how well you are able to sleep is the quality of your diet. Many may not connect their diet to their sleep quality, but the reality is that the foods you eat and the times that you eat can affect your sleep in significant ways. 

Eating foods high in sugar and carbs can cause a lot of issues for sleep, especially if you eat these foods later in the evening. This is because foods that contain a lot of sugar or carbs also tend to cause your blood sugar to spike and crash. 

When your blood sugar is always spiking and crashing, you are more likely to experience spikes and crashes in your energy levels, which can be detrimental to your sleep hormones and sleep cycles. 

To avoid these kinds of issues, it can be helpful to start phasing out some of the foods that you eat that are high in carbs and sugar, and to start including more nutrient-dense foods into your daily diet. 

Along with that, making sure that you are eating plenty of lean protein and that you aren't eating large meals before bed can be great for getting better sleep. 

Avoid Certain Beverages

Not only do you need to watch what you eat, but you also need to watch the beverages that you are drinking, too. This is especially important when it comes to drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol. 

Even though most may enjoy caffeinated beverages, the reality is that they can be highly detrimental to sleep quality, especially if they are consumed later on in the day.

This is due in part to the fact that caffeine is a nervous system stimulant. This means that it is great for getting you up and going, but that it can cause problems when you want to rest. 

By limiting your caffeine intake or by making sure that you avoid caffeine any time in the evening, you can help ensure that it isn't hurting your sleep quality

Alcohol can also be detrimental to sleep, even though it may still be easy for some to fall asleep after drinking. This is because it disrupts sleep cycles. So, while you may be able to get some rest, you may not be able to get deep sleep. 

This can lead to you feeling tired and groggy, even after several hours of sleep. By limiting alcohol consumption to special occasions or avoiding having more than a couple of drinks a night you can help ensure that alcohol isn't hurting your sleep quality. 


Poor sleep can have a negative impact on your overall quality of life. The good news is, though, that you don't have to just deal with it, and that there are many ways you can start getting the deeper sleep that you deserve. 


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